Sunday, September 28, 2008

T Minus 5

There are quite a few things I'll miss when I leave. When you've been rooted in one spot for 22 years (I moved to Phoenix in 1986) you tend to make plenty of connections to people and things.

I think the #1 thing I will miss is the music scene. There's something about performing with people that gives an extra little connection. Not only will I miss the people I've played with, but the act of playing music too. I've probably connected with more people in the last 3 years than I did during my many years of playing in the SCA.

Not to say I won't miss friends I made in the SCA though. Since the SCA was my first social activity I took up in Phoenix, the friends I've made there have been around the longest. However, people in general are probably what I'll miss the least since I'm sure we'll still be in contact.

I doubt I will miss the desert. I've never really been a fan of Arizona. I've always preferred the ocean to brown shrubbery and ratty-looking palm trees. I admit there are sometimes some spectacular vistas to be had, especially in New Mexico, but all in all I'm just a water person.

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